Thursday, 30 April 2015

A typical attempt at mindfulness meditation following an app, which I have on my phone, goes like this:-

App Take a comfy seat!
Me   Ok, good start I can do that.

App Sit upright!
Me   Done.

App Breathe!
Me   No problems.

App Be dignified and confident!
Me   Trying, but I probably look a total idiot,  hope nobody is around.

App Noticing where the hands rest!
Me   Now where are they?  O embarrassing, now I really hope no-one is around.

App Now just be who you are!
Me   ??

App Live in the moment!
Me   I wonder what is going on outside....No, back to living in the moment.

App Centre on your pelvis!
Me   Oo-er, rude missus...No, back to just being in myself.

And this goes on for three minutes until the app says I can stop.  Typically, I do go through it at least three times and it seems to get better as I go along.  I must also say that I often do feel more relaxed after I have finished doing it, so I must stick at it.  Practice makes perfect they say.

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