Thursday, 11 June 2015

A slight rebound of emotions today.  Felt tired and cross this morning but feel better now.  I still feel am immense sense of relief from yesterday.  Hopefully there will be this slow improvement that I am hoping for.  I must think of little steps.

My paramedic, twitter friend continues to be a source of support.  I have never actually met him but we chat most days and he certainly supports me.  I think he feels the same.  He points out things to me that people who don't suffer from depression would never understand.  More talking, less stigma is needed, as ever.

I am seeing my younger daughter in a minute.  She only has one more exam left and that is tomorrow.  I can't remember the sense of relief, its far too long ago for me, but I am quite sure she will enjoy every minute of it.  She has some great things to look forward to in the near future.  The older one still has a few left and doesn't finish until Tuesday.  Roll on then I say, they both deserve a rest.

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