Sunday, 10 May 2015

I had some great retweets of my blog last night from Marcus Trescothick, the Cricketer and Rev.Richard Coles, former pop star and now broadcaster.  Richard Coles retweeted, despite the fact that I told him that it contained atheist views.  This leads me on thinking about how open minded I really am, would I be prepared to retweet some distinctly Christian views?   I don't really know, perhaps someone will test me.

The  medication seems to be working.  I have woken up feeling OK, not angry and not particularly low. I can't really put it down to anything else, as nothing has greatly changed and I haven't really done much mindfulness.  Mindfulness is one of those things I keep thinking I must get around to and it never really happens. I think its because I still feel slightly awkward about it.

Today promises to be a nice day.  Some of my cousins play in a brass band and we are going to watch them.  It is always good to see them, as we spent a lot of time together as kids, but now see less of each other.  The music will be a bonus.

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