Yesterday we celebrated my wife's birthday. It was great, especially because her three boys (my step sons), our lodger and their partners came to tea. So a pleasant time was had by all. It is good to see all the boys making their own way in the world and to see them so resilient to the 'school of hard knocks' that they have had along the way. I look at them and have absolutely no wish to be their age again, unless I could be there with my 48 year old head on my shoulders. I am sure the pressures they are under, are far greater than they were when I was a teenager and in my early twenties.
Sleep continues to be an issue for me, I am either sleeping too much or too little. It make a normal life very difficult and is making any thoughts, of a return to work, impossible. I am seeing my Doctor tomorrow and I am going to have to discuss this with him particularly in terms of my medication and to see what can be done.
I am off to see my counselor again this morning which continues to be helpful, if nothing else it is good just to be able to talk without fear of interruption. She does also nudge me in the right direction and builds my self confidence.
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